
InterContinental Hotel Coupons

InterContinental Hotel Coupons

InterContinental Hotel

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InterContinental Hotel Online Deals

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InterContinental Hotel Reviews

InterContinental Hotel Rating Overall InterContinental Hotel has a 5 star rating based on 1 user reviews.

5 Stars Intercontinental Hotel - Kansas City

Our family of 4 stayed one weekend night at this Kansas City hotel which is located in the world famous country Club Plaza shopping district. The location is simply fabulous during the holiday season and offers spacious rooms with baclonies overlooking the legendary holiday lights spectacle on the plaza. It was magical. We could walk to all the shops and we enjoyed a very warm welcome from the hotel staff. Our room was unusally spacious and the hotel offers indoor garage parking -- which was perfect for the winter season. Beware, the rates are much higher this time of year -- but you won't find a better view of the holiday lights!

(Posted at 1:55 pm on November 17, 2010.)

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