Sony Bloggie Touch MHS-TS10/B 4GB HD Camcorder
With the ability to take hours of HD video and hundreds of 12.8-megapixel photos, the Bloggie Touch is a media powerhouse in a tiny package. In a device that's just over four inches tall, users can capture crisp MP4 video and jpeg images with a touch of its single record button and store their shots on built-in flash memory. The large LCD touchscreen not only rotates its orientation automatically during filming, but also makes it easy to tag video and images and queue them for uploading to YouTube or Facebook the next time the camera is hooked up to a computer. When the shots are ready to share, just flip out the USB arm and plug the camera into a computer for easy file transferring, or hook the camera up to an HDTV or local movie theater's digital projector with an HDMI cable.