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4 Stars I like making payments at Leesburg, FL Drive Time

The Drive Time in Leesburg,FL is a great one. The people working there are like a family this is why I am on my 4th car through them. They have some programs that are really helpful for such things as repairs. Until lately I look forward to going in to pay my payments because I have known some of them for the greater part of 10 years. However I understand,I won't be able to go in to make my payments, which is really convenient. I will have to go to Walmart, which is a pain to get in and out of. Another choice is Bill Pay at my bank,however, when I can I pay extra so if I am out of the area, I can skip a payment or pay a less amount shch as around the holidays. Another thing to think about, is that when I am there I have looked at some of the newer cars that I can trade for when the time comes.

(Posted at 4:47 pm on April 11, 2010.)

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