
FTD Florists Reviews

FTD Florists Reviews

FTD Florists Rating Overall FTD Florists has a 2 star rating based on 2 user reviews.

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1 Stars flowers wilted on arrival

I ordered flowers through FTD for my mother and they were not very fresh looking. A couple of the roses had brown spots on them. Would not use again.

(Posted at 11:58 pm on January 12, 2010.)

3 Stars Experience can be really good...or bad

FTD has a nice assortment of floral products online, and I have ordered from them both with good and bad results. One mother's day one year, my mom did not receive her present and thought I forgot about her!(Not good.) They had run out of the the order was not fulfilled. (No attempt was made to notify me.)

Be careful to always follow up on your order status and with the receipient. Do not assume anything.

On the other hand, if things go well, the present received will probably be very nice.

Note that online ftd mentions that they may substitute with equivalent items. This is why calling a local florist might be best. You will then know if that florist can deliver the floral arrangement as pictured.

(Posted at 9:52 pm on November 11, 2009.)

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