Indulge your love of reading with the Amazon Kindle. Select from thousands of books, and download them straight to the device without worrying about space or weight, and then read them anywhere, whether in bright sunlight or indoors. The massive battery life in this Amazon Kindle keeps it going for weeks.
- 6" antiglare touch-screen display: Carta ePaper display with 16-level grayscale and 167 ppi resolution for reading books and other digital content with minimal eyestrain. Optimized font technology delivers laser-quality text for easy viewing.
- 4GB internal memory: Plenty of space for your digital library with room for more than 1,000 books.
- Kindle store: Offers millions of books, newspapers and magazines, plus hundreds of thousands of Kindle-exclusive titles.
- Wi-Fi enabled: Browse and buy new books and magazines wirelessly.
- High-speed USB port: For simple connection to your computer with fast data transfers.
- Long-lasting battery: Lets you read for hours without charging.
- Weighs 5.7 oz. and measures just 0.36" thin: For easy portability in your backpack or purse.